30 年陳年茅台酒
30-Year Millesimes Moutai
53%vol陈年茅台酒(30),产自贵州茅台酒地理标志保 护核心产区,利用得天独厚的自然环境,以本地优质糯 高粱、小麦、水为原料,采用科学独特的贵州茅台酒传 统工艺精心酿制,以15年以上不同酒龄基酒多次精心勾 兑而成,勾兑过程采用“酒勾酒”勾兑方式,撷取1500 余支1基酒精华,产品具有酱香突出、幽雅细腻、酒体 醇厚、绵柔丰满、老熟味显著、回味悠长,空杯留香持 久的典型特点。
完美結合飽滿的穀物與輪回的四季味 道,盡享歲月與時代的雙重韻味
A Perfect Combination of Grains and Seasonal Flavors to Offer Both Charms of Years and Time
品 鑒 記 錄 Savoring Record
外觀:淺金色 香氣:層次分明,豐富柔和的醬香陳香中渲染焙烤香、堅果香、煙熏香 口感:醇厚柔順,餘味甘甜,回味豐潤而悠長
Alcohol content: 53% Vol
Appearance: light golden
Aroma: With clear layers, the rich, mild, and aged Jiang fragrance is mixed with baking aroma, nutty aroma, and smoky flavor
Mouthfeel: mellow, smooth, with a long-lasting, round, and sweet aftertaste
建議飲用方式 RecommendedDrinkingWay
Collect and savor carefully.