53%vol贵州茅台酒(经典),产自贵州茅台酒地理标志 保护核心产区,利用得天独厚的自然环境,以本地优质 糯高粱、小麦、水为原料,采用科学独特的贵州茅台酒 传统工艺精心酿制,以“酒勾酒”方式组合近200支不 同酒龄基酒精心勾兑,历经五年而成,产品具有酱香突 出、幽雅细腻、酒体醇厚、回味悠长、空杯留香持久的 典型风格。
飞天茅台酒 53%是貴州茅台的主導產品,其醬香突出,幽雅細膩,酒體醇 厚,回味悠長,空杯留香持久,是中國醬香型白酒的經典之作,多次 榮膺國際大獎。這款酒品最大的特質是飲後不上頭、不口乾,貯藏數 年後酒質更加出眾,因歲月而更增馥郁芬芳。
Feitian Moutai 53% Vol is the leading product of Kweichow Moutai and a classic of Chinese Jiang fragrance liquor. Featuring prominent Jiang fragrance, elegant, delicate, mellow, long aftertaste, and lasting empty-cup fragrance, the 53% Vol Feitian Moutai has won many international awards. This liquor has several topmost features: no hangover or dry mouthfeel after drinking; its quality will be more outstanding if further preserved for several years and its aroma gets stronger and stronger over the years.
Alcohol content: 53%
Volume: 500ml
Appearance: slightly yellow and transparent
Aroma: prominent Jiang fragrance, rich layers, lasting empty-cup fragrance, with complex aromas of baking, flowers, fruit, sweetness, dried plants, and sourness
Mouthfeel: mild, smooth, with long aftertaste
建議飲用方式 RecommendedDrinkingWay
It can be drunk straightly, paired with dishes, or made into cocktails.
Moutai is alive. With the increase of age, the color of the liquor will gradually change from colorless to light golden, with clearer luster, richer and milder aroma, as well as mellower and smoother taste.