MOUTAI 1935 500ml


53%vol茅台1935,产自赤水河流域核心产区(和义兴 产区)和贵州茅台酒地理标志保护核心产区,利用天然 独特的自然环境,以优质糯高粱、小麦、水为原料,采 用大曲酱香型白酒传统工艺精心酿制,以“酒勾酒”方 式有机融合两个产区基酒精心勾兑而成,产品具有酱香 突出、臻雅细腻、醇厚细致、回味悠长、空杯留香持久 的典型风格。


茅台1935瓶身以长图的形式,展现了茅酒之源、川盐走 贵州、千古酿艺等内容。主题字及插画内容在瓶身上以 浮雕凸起的方式呈现,代表着对时光的镌刻,对历史的 铭记,同时也是对工匠精神的致敬。瓶肩层层金色水纹 纹饰是赤水河荡漾流波的表达,是时间年轮的沉淀

茅台1935,以“喜相逢”为文化内核,打造以“喜文 化”为主题的品饮场景,“人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽 空对月”,茅台1935,让品饮者在开怀畅饮之间不经意 与历史相逢,尽显文化厚重;与品牌相逢,尽显茅台品 质;与喜事相逢,尽显幸福美好。

53%vol Moutai 1935 is brewed in the core production area in Chishui River basin (and Yixing production
area), and the core production area of Product of Geographical Indication-Kweichow Moutai Liquor, where there is unique natural environment and high-quality local glutinous sorghum, wheat and water. Based on the traditional brewing technology of Daqu liquor with soy-sauce-like aroma, it has been blended with base liquor from two production areas. Such a special way of blending liquor with liquor creates the outstanding, elegant and delicate soy- sauce-like aroma. It tastes mellow, with typical characteristics of Moutai such as long aftertaste and lingering aroma in the emptied cup.

Packing details and overall renderings
In the form of a long scroll, the bottle of Moutai 1935 shows the origin of Moutai, the transportation of
Sichuan salt to Kweichow, and the time-honored brewing technology. The embossed theme words
and illustrations record time and history, and pay tribute to the craftsman spirit. The bottle shoulder is
designed with overlapping golden ripples, which symbolizes the waves of the Chishui River and the
accumulation in the long river of time.Taking “happy encounter” as the cultural core, Moutai 1935 is matched with the “happiness” themed drinking scene. In Chinese culture, liquor si often used to express strong feelings. With Moutai 1935 as the medium, tasters will encounter with history to experience the profound Chinese culture, encounter with the brand ot understand the quality of Moutai, and encounter with happy events to appreciate the happiness and beauty of life.


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Alcohol content: 53%

Ingredients: sorghum, wheat, water

Storage: Stored in a sealed, cool and dry condition. Once opened, please drink as soon as possible